
Shirtless, on the floor of someone elses apartment and I think I have been here for 3 days

Frank Lister found himself in the title this morning.  I'm not sure what happened.  The last thing that I can really put together is Monday afternoon convincing Bryce after me being convinced by Ted to meet up for an ONION that night.  I had 872 messages on my phone all from a guy named AXEL except for 1 from an unlisted number telling me he had my keys and something else I would want.  I have blood on my back (I only know this because I walked past a mirror in some strange ladys ( I assume it is a lady because a dude would not have doilies) aprtment.  I also think I am missing a toenail.  I need some time to figure this out. 

P.S. I'll explain what an ONION is later.

I want to live here

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