it keeps bothering me
This blood thing keeps bothering me. I'm thinking about this thing and it keeps making me wonder. all I can think about today is that blood on the wall. You know? At first I was very angry about it. It's one thing to put boogers on the wall (which apparently happens in every men's bathroom) but to swipe blood on the wall is another. That's like taking your finger and putting it in your shit and smearing a little bit by the door handle. It's flat out wrong. Plus it's just weird. I'll be the first to admit, I've thought about doing that before (not blood but the shit part). I remember being in an office somewhere being denied some sort of help or cooperation for something. I can't exactly remember where or when it was but it probably was in a financial institution or on one of the offices on my list from above. I said I couldn’t remember specifically! Plus, it's not important. I may not have even been there. I could have been on the phone with their customer service department at my house. I DON'T know. But, YES. I was so angry at the time that I thought about smearing shit all over the bathroom wall. But the difference between me and this person at my job is that I did not smear anything on the wall, much less BLOOD. I went into the bathroom again later to see if it was still there. It was. No one had either seen it or thought about cleaning it up. An office full of people and no one even thought about telling anyone that there was blood on the wall. What kind of assholes do I work with? An hour later I went back. Still blood. 11:00 AM, blood on the wall. Before I ate my lunch, blood on the wall. 1:00, blood. 8 hours after the first sighting. Blood on the wall. I walked around the office, which was now empty since the whistle had blown and all of the cattle were herded off to the train station to be transported to their individual holding pens before coming back to the slow slaughter house again. It’s nice when the office is empty. There is a feeling that you can do and be whomever you want. I sing outloud when I’m there alone. But I sing really offensive songs. Songs like 2 LIVE CREW would sing or I sing like I’m in a death metal band like NECROSIS or NECROPHILATICCA,whatever. When the office is empty, I walk around and look at people’s desks. I don’t look in them, just at them. I had no idea so & so had an eight year old son and a black dog. That’s what I say to myself. Or holy shit, that is some weird looking family. Are you adopted? I thought I had pegged the culprit of the blood smeared on the wall. There is a guy, actually a few guys that don’t wash their hands after they shit. Naturally, I went to their desks to look for clues. There may be some ladies but since I never go in the ladies room I would not know whether they wash their hands or not. One of the desks is behind a locked door, EXECUTIVE. So the only way to get to that one is to either break in or get fired and get hired as a janitor and work my way up through the ranks to be the head janitor and get a master key to all the offices so I can break in or just wait until tomorrow. So my other suspect has a thing for sports related Lego figures. Fucker has about 30 of them sitting on his desk. Like a little family having a party. All sorts of them. Eagles, Buccaneers, Cowboys, Mets, Yankees, Blue Jays, Weird shit. He’s even got a photo of himself standing in front of a photo of these weird little people wearing sports outfits. He probably plays with them at night sitting on a wool rug while naked except for a pair of ladies shoulder pads (not sure if those even exist). There it was. Staring up at me. A smear of blood right where my hand was. I had touched it when I leaned on his desk to get a closer look. Right where my hand was. Sitting underneath my hand the entire time. I wiped a booger underneath his desk. I was so angry. I took out my IPOD, which has a video camera on it. Crazy these electronic devices these days. If I were paranoid I would think the government was watching us with them. I took a movie picture of the blood, firstly to incriminate him (maybe he has something I need or want, you know) and then to compare to the smear on the wall in the bathroom. Singing Shake Yo Ass at the top of my lungs down the corridor from no handy washy guy number 2’s desk, I ran to the bathroom to snap a movie picture of the blood on the wall. I practically kicked the door down, having to pee like a race horse. What does that even mean? Am I implying that race horses have to pee really bad which is why they run so fast? That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. In fact, I am going to stop saying it. I had to piss like a mother. So I glanced, on my way in, at the wall where the blood was and BOOYA (I am also going to start saying that more often) and there it was. I hopped over to the urinal, looked at a booger next to me on the wall and then I nearly fell over. If I weren’t so scared of getting even a drop of piss on my skin, I probably would have fainted (is there a difference between fainting and passing out in this situation?). There was a smear of blood right in front of my face on the wall next to the urinal handle. I am not sure why but I think I may have put it there.
not to scale but this is what it looks like to me.

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