saturday's show was a complete disaster. It is crazy how Frank Lister could expect anything less than children, who are happy to be at a birthday party, showing absolute disdain for him and his magical prowess. YES ( to all you people out there that laughed on Friday at work), I am a magician in my spare time. I picked up the fine art of magicary ( I made that word up) one day when I was looked at some used books at P.A.T. I thought I could be great at this. It seemed easy enough. I mean, it's all convincing, you know? I've good at convincing. I've convinced myself many times of many things. One time I cnvinced myself to see what a fire ant tasted like. I did it and I am happy to say that they do not taste good (they taste like eating a rusty screw) and I will not do it again. The POINT IS! I was successful at convincing myself of this so I thought why not.? I've convinced myself I am happy working here for a long time or working other places so I can convince people that a flower popped out of my sleeve, you know? And then I thought, kids, why not kids? kids don;t know anything. I will be an awesome kids magician. Do you want to know how it went?

That's what it was like. I had a child, couldn't have been more than 5, tell me, with his cute litle doe eyes and little cow-licked hairbowl haircut, wearing his John Cena T-shirt ( that is his 1st problem, if you don;t know him then google worst pro-wrestler in the universe), that I sucked as a magician and I should get a real job but I would probably suck at that too. At that moment, in my head, I tried to make him disappear, which worked, except that he kicked me in the nuts and he disappeared becasue I blacked out ( I thought it was weird that I kept seeing unicorns all of the sudden). So, this day was a disaster. On the bright side, I still have another chance to redeem myself this saturday at another party ( a super sweet 16. hooray!)
On a quick work note. Copies don;t copy themselves (that is the pearl of wisdom from my boss). I had my project meeting with those assholes upstairs (been a very busy)on Monday. All went well until Bryce introdced me to my new project partner. Ted, the temp. What a douche (he said he likes to be called TED, the Electric). I asked him to do all the stuff, staple, copy, collate, scan. Didn;t do any of it. I ended up doing it all. He would talk to me in a circle about why I needed to do these things instead of him. it was like he was trying to convince me ( the convincing master) What a waste of my time. I just ended up doing it all myself. he googled himself all day. Will definitely let BRYCE know. We're having drinks at the Mom tonight.
Finally, the blood is still on the wall.
Can;t remember how I got to work all last week. Did I walk or take a bus?
Why are there 5 pairs of shoes (one belonging to a rather large footed woman) under my desk?
Why am I not remembering things?
Ted is a douche.